5e Dmg Magic Item Tables

Can anyone offer any insight into how these are constructed? What determines whether an item goes in Table B, versus Table C, versus Table E?
For example, I can tell that Table A is strictly common or uncommon items, mostly expendable items like scrolls and potions, with a small chance of select utility (non-combat) uncommon items.
EDIT: I think I roughly hacked the design of the magic item tables..not perfect, but perfect enough..
Table A. small table = common potions with small chance of select uncommon potion (greater healing), common scrolls (cantrip-1st) with small chance of 2nd level scrolls, small chance of select utility (non-combat) uncommon magic items.
Table B. uncommon potions, uncommon scrolls (2nd-3rd), uncommon items (including magic armors without +1 bonus), +1 ammo (NOT +1 weapons), Water breathing/swimming items.
Table C. rare potions (including Flying), rare scrolls (4th-5th), rare items that are either utility or limited-use combat (necklace of fireballs, beads of force), +2 ammo.
Table D. very rare potions (including Invisibility), very rare scrolls (6th-8th), select very rare / rare items (e.g. bag of devouring, horseshoes of a zephyr, portable hole), +3 ammo.
Table E. small table = a few very rare potions, very rare/legendary scrolls (8th-9th), very rare/legendary expendable items (e.g. sovereign glue)
Table F. NO potions/scrolls, weapon +1, shield +1, wand/rod +1, Flying items (broom of flying, winged boots), uncommon instruments, uncommon decks, stat-boosting items (gauntlets of ogre power), uncommon rings, uncommon staves, weird mix of uncommon items (e.g. boots of elvenkind)
Table G. NO potions/scrolls, weapon +2, shield +2, wand/rod +2, armor +1, rare rings, rare ioun stones, Flying items (cloak of the bat, ring of levitation, wings of flying), CR 5 Summoning items (brazier of commanding fire elementals), Teleportation (helm of teleportation), mix of rare items, figurines of wondrous power
Table H. NO potions/scrolls, weapon +3, shield +3, wand/rod +3, armor +2, rare staves, very rare weapons (sword of sharpness), very rare staves, very rare rings, very rare ioun stones, Flying items (carpet of flying), Planewalking items (amulet of the planes), CR 11 Summoning items (efreeti bottle), Permanent stat-boosting items (tome of leadership and influence)
Table I. NO potions/scrolls, armor +3, legendary items
Magic Item Generator

5e Dmg Magic Item Tables 5e
Dungeons And Dragons - 5th Edition: Magic Items, All Magic Items found in the Dungeon Master's Guide, in a neatly sorted table! There is no written method of spreading fully random items around. But using the Magic Items Awarded by Rarity table table in Xanathar's Guide, here's a guess at what should be in a more random treasure hoard. Assuming the players only get 1 hoard per level range. You'd split it over multiple if wanted to have them find more hoards of treasure. Roll an Adventure Using the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide — Part II. (as I did in Part I where I used a Magic Item table to determine the type of artifact — a lantern). I’ll only deviate where I feel a random adventure detail doesn’t “feel right.”. 8 Responses to Roll an Adventure Using the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide — Part.