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Average Base Dmg Knight Ms2

So two daggers gives 1095*2=2,190 crit rating. Every 219 points of crit rating is 1% crit chance, so 2190/219=10% increased crit chance from x2 daggers. The base crit multiplier in ESO is 50% bonus damage. Two swords is 5% weapon damage increase. Say you have 3000 weapon damage and 60% crit chance (without daggers), the math works as follows:
Swords damage bonus: 3,000 * 5% = 150 bonus damage from swords
Daggers (average effective) bonus damage:(3,000*50%*70%)-(3,000*50%*60%) = 1,050-900 = 150 (average effective) bonus damage from daggers
The above equation for daggers can be simplified to: 3,000*50%*10%=150
Even if you had 600 bonus damage fully buffed and an extra 20% total bonus crit damage from 10% Minor Force (Rearming trap), and 10% from Precise Strikes that still works out to:
Swords: 3,600 * 5% = 180
Daggers: 3,600 * 70% * 10% = 252
252-180=72 more damage from daggers than swords, which is 72/3,600=2% more damage or, if you pull 30,000 dps single target, an extra 600 dps. I understand Major Force from Aggressive Horn is a factor for elite top end best players in the world, but that's less than 1% of the player base. Nightblades get an extra 10% crit damage for each Assassination ability slotted via Hemorrhage II, and Templars get a flat 10% crit damage for having one Aedric Spear ability slotted from Piercing Spear II.
An extra 600 dps is nice, but you should still be able to clear all content in the game with swords.

Skyforge Primary and Secondary Stats Guide by Jelesey

Dmg Information: Base dmg 113 +36 Poison Light attacks: 156 dmg +32 Poison every 3/4 hits (Close range less than 20m) I am trying to understand why the bow by far and large would do more dmg per hit plus have a very high rate of fire. Means the bow is superior wpn.

First of all, the guide on wiki is partially correct but it seems incomplete.

Yes with funding they improve much more (40% capped base crit with 100% crit buff, which ends up being 60% total crit rate on it's own, hard to beat), but even at this stage it performed amazing. Continue this thread. As most games, I think it comes down to your playstyle, how good you are mechanically, and knowing most/all of the dungeon bosses patterns. At first, I picked up Berserker purely for the Greatsword aesthetic and luckily, the facetank/faceroll playstyle of the class was great for me to learn most of the game's bosses' patterns (able to get hit with close to no major punishment by bosses as. Oct 11, 2018  And for dmg base you put 3 STR u get 2 INT and that increases ur base 3 dmg. Strange though. I thought there would be a Magical path and Physical path. But no it seems only Elemental Path. Fire, Ice, Lightning Cheers!


Might affects your Base damage. The formula is simple

Might x 0.097 = minimum damage.

Might x 0.103 = max damage.

Str + Accuracy + Ultimate Strength(symbol) (Calculations are 1% – -1% accurate)

How it works:

Strength adds to your maximum damage by 0.2 per point of strength.

Accuracy is a multiplier, it multiplies the damage you get from the str stat and also increase your minimum damage. It also effects the minimum damage you get from might.

Ultimate Strength is also a multiplier, but it only multiplies the damage you get from the str stat. If you look at your equipment page and use Ultimate strength you will see a slight increase to minimum damage, but the only reason why your minimum damage increases is because ultimate strength increases your maximum damage hence also increases your minimum damage. IT DOES NOT WORK EXACTLY LIKE ACCURACY

Just to show you an example let’s calculate my character’s damage

7073 Might

2744 Strength

1052-1562 Base Damage

41.9% accuracy

Ultimate Strength lvl 1

Formula for Max damage

Max Damage = (Might*0.103) + (Str*0.2*(1+Accuracy%+UltimateStrength%) +1

Max Damage = (7073*0.103) + (2744*0.2*(1.519) +1

Max Damage = 728 + 833 + 1

Max Damage = 1562

Formula for Min Dmg

Min Dmg = [(Might*0.097) + ((Str*0.2*(1+Accuracy%+UltimateStrength%))+(MaxDmgFromMight -MinDmgFromMight) * Accuracy %]

Min Dmg = [(7073*0.097) + (2744*0.2*(1.519)+(728-686))* 0.419]

Min Dmg = 686 + ((833+42)*0.419)

Min Dmg = 1052

Important Notes

Accuracy has been misinterpreted by a lot of people, the actual wordings for accuracy “Brings the minimum base damage closer to maximum and increases your Strength’s Influence on the base damage” is accurate but is just the other way around. First it Influences strength’s damage by simply multiplying accuracy to the damage you get from strength, This part of the formula (Str*0.2*(1+Accuracy%)). Secondly, it brings the minimum damage closer to maximum, so pretty much you multiply your max damage by Accuracy to be able to get the minimum damage, so instead of having zero minimum damage if you have 0% accuracy. Your minimum damage is brought closer to maximum by increasing minimum damage.

Ultimate Strength has also been misinterpreted by a lot of people, People believe it works exactly like Accuracy, which is WRONG!. Ultimate strength is only similar to Accuracy because it increases the effects of strength to your max damage. This part of the formula (Str*0.2*(1+Accuracy%+UltimateStrength%)). The only reason why when you compare your stats when you have ultimate strength and when you don’t, you see that your minimum damage increases, is because Ultimate strength increases your max damage and the way to get minimum damage is by multiplying your accuracy to your max damage so if you’re multiplying a bigger number, you get a bigger answer.

Short Version: Accuracy increases both min and max damage, Ultimate strength on affects max damage.

Valor + Temper + Mobilization(Symbol)

Valor is also super simple but it gets complicated when you want to get the average damage when you include temper procing.

The formula for getting bonus damage is.


Let’s say you have 3000 valor and 40% temper and lvl 1 mobilization


= 600*1.5

= 900

Your Bonus damage will be 0-900. Average damage will be 450

Now the more complicated part. When temper procs, you deal the maximum damage.

So with the stats above you have 40% chance to deal 900 damage. So in 10 attacks your 4 of them will be 900 and the 6 will do average damage which is 450.

Formula for this is.

Ave dmg x (1+Temper%)

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450 * (1+0.40) = 630

So the average damage you’ll be doing with the stats above is 630.

Full Formula for Valor damage value is

[Valor*0.2*(1+Temper%+Mobilization%)]* (1+Temper%) = Valor+temper+mobization effect to your damage.

Just one more important thing, Mobilization does not work exactly like temper, Mobilization only add to the affect of valor to your bonus damage but does not help you to proc max damage.

Luck + Crit Chance + Maximum recoil

Formula is:

[(Luck*2/3)*(1+Maximum Recoil%)] * Crit Chance

Let’s say you have these stats

3000 luck

Average Base Dmg Knight Ms2 4

32% crit chance

lvl 1 maximum recoil




= 704

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So the average damage you’ll be doing with the stats above is 704.

Spirit + Discharge Recovery + Impulse intensity

Formula is

Average Base Dmg Knight Ms2 5

Spirit*(1+Dicharge recovery%+Impulse Intensity%)

Average Base Dmg Knight Ms2 1

No need for explanation :P