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Dmg Hamburg Dental Material

  1. Dmg Dental Material Gesellschaft Hamburg
Displaying results 1 to 10 of 28.

DMG is a manufacturer of high quality dental materials for the dental profession. DMG is based in Hamburg where the research and development as well as the manufacturing takes place. DMG produces Honigum for impression taking, Luxatemp for temporisation and Vitique for ceramic cementation.

  1. PermaCem 2.0

    all other self-adhesive cements 213366 PermaCem 2.0 - A2 Universal Shade 1 9g Syringe 15 Standard Smartmix Tips 5 Endo Tips 213367 PermaCem 2.0 - A3 Opaque Shade 1 9g Syringe 15 Standard [..] mixing time) min. 20 s Light curing time (optional) Featuring the strongest bond to Zirconia PermaCem 2.0 is proven to provide one of the strongest bonds to Zirconium restorations compared to the other [..] cements. Incorporating a recently developed adhesive monomer formula, the dual curing properties of PermaCem 2.0 offer an exceptional bond across all substrates. Formulated for easy clean-up, the optimized

  2. PermaCem Dual

    environment Low film thickness for perfect fit Radio-opaque Reliability you can count on. PermaCem Dual is a zero-expansion, dual-cure universal compomer based permanent cement for use with all final [..] speed or let it self-cure in minutes for increased working time. Convenience at your fingertips PermaCem Dual is available in two convenient and economical dispensing systems: automix and smartmix. In [..] to over mixing. It ensures predictable, accurate, consistent and homogenous mix every time.110525 PermaCem Dual Automix Refill Kit 1 52 gm cartridge 40 Mixing cannulas 110253 Type-25 applicator gun

  3. LuxaBond Total Etch

    LuxaCore Z-Dual for core build-up or for adhesive cementation of crowns and bridges with Vitique or PermaCem. In these cases, there is the option of curing it with light. Reliable bond The pre-bonding

  4. PermaCem 2.0 Quick Guide

    entfernen. 6. 7 min aushärten lassen. PermaCem 2.0 Self-AdheSive PermaCem 2.0 Self-AdheSive 1. Clean root canal with water spray. 2. Dry root canal. 3. Apply PermaCem 2.0 into the root canal. 4. Insert [..] mit ölfreier Luft trocknen. 1. PermaCem 2.0 in die vorbereitete Restauration applizieren. 2. Restauration innerhalb von 1 min nach Mischbeginn einsetzen. 3. PermaCem 2.0 für 2 s licht- härten oder [..] al with oil-free air. 1. Apply PermaCem 2.0 in the prepared restoration. 2. Insert the restoration within 1 min of the start of mixing. 3. Light-cure PermaCem 2.0 for 2 s or allow to cure for

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    Referenced at: PermaCem 2.0

  5. PermaCem 2.0

    An inseparable bond: PermaCem 2.0 & Zirconia PermaCem 2.0 Unique, easy clean-up formula The next generation of self- adhesive luting cement from DMG PermaCem 2.0 is proven to provide one of the strongest [..] stability and esthetics with PermaCem 2.0. SHE AR ADHE SION ON ZI RCON IA I N MPA Internal measurements, DMG, Hamburg 2011. iCEM Maxcem Elite RelyX Unicem 2 Automix PermaCem 2.0 0 10 [..] Multiple indications, one cement Working times with PermaCem 2.0 With practical working times for a convenient course of treatment, PermaCem 2.0 offers a reduction in operational steps, plus, mu

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    Referenced at: PermaCem 2.0

  6. PermaCem 2.0

    An inseparable bond: PermaCem 2.0 & Zirconia PermaCem 2.0 Unique, easy clean-up formula The next generation of self- adhesive luting cement from DMG PermaCem 2.0 is proven to provide one of the strongest [..] stability and esthetics with PermaCem 2.0. SHE AR ADHE SION ON ZI RCON IA I N MPA Internal measurements, DMG, Hamburg 2011. iCEM Maxcem Elite RelyX Unicem 2 Automix PermaCem 2.0 0 10 [..] Multiple indications, one cement Working times with PermaCem 2.0 With practical working times for a convenient course of treatment, PermaCem 2.0 offers a reduction in operational steps, plus, mu

    File type: pdf
    Referenced at: Brochures

  7. PermaCem 2.0

    com PRODUC T 01 LOO K I N G F O R MO RE I NF O? Visit PermaCem 2.0 PermaCem 2.0 is clinically proven to have one of the strongest bonds to Zirconium restorations [..] properties provide an exceptional bond across all substrates. Formulated for easy clean-up, PermaCem 2.0’s no-drip formulation offers the fastest and easiest removal of excess, resulting in less [..] less stress and chair time. Plus as a single- step cement, there is no etching step required. PermaCem 2.0 is indicated for the permanent cementation of inlays, onlays, partial crowns, full coverage

    File type: pdf
    Referenced at: One Minute Product Meeting

  8. PermaCem 2.0

    com PRODUC T 01 LOO K I N G F O R MO RE I NF O? Visit PermaCem 2.0 PermaCem 2.0 is clinically proven to have one of the strongest bonds to Zirconium restorations [..] properties provide an exceptional bond across all substrates. Dmg mori open house pfronten. Formulated for easy clean-up, PermaCem 2.0’s no-drip formulation offers the fastest and easiest removal of excess, resulting in less [..] less stress and chair time. Plus as a single- step cement, there is no etching step required. PermaCem 2.0 is indicated for the permanent cementation of inlays, onlays, partial crowns, full coverage

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    Referenced at: PermaCem 2.0

  9. PermaCem 2.0

    092757_V1_2015-01_PermaCem2_USA.indd 1 Instructions for Use English Product description PermaCem 2.0 is a universal, self-adhesive and dual-cure composite luting cement for the permanent cementation [..] (proximal, marginal gingival areas) is removed promptly. The PermaCem 2.0 curing process can be accelerated. In order to do so, cure PermaCem 2.0 using a suitable curing light. Light-curing units should [..] ent accessibles (bordure gingivale proximale). Le durcissement de PermaCem 2.0 peut être accéléré. Pour cela, exposer PermaCem 2.0 aux rayons d’une lampe à photopolymériser adaptée. Les lampes à

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    Referenced at: Instructions for use

    I don’t think the update has caused the slowness, but maybe I need some kext/fixes after upgrade. Can you please help what I need to do after doing the update so that the VM performance is as smooth as the original one (10.14.2)? Vmware download mac.

  10. PermaCem 2.0

    092757_V1_2015-01_PermaCem2_USA.indd 1 Instructions for Use English Product description PermaCem 2.0 is a universal, self-adhesive and dual-cure composite luting cement for the permanent cementation [..] (proximal, marginal gingival areas) is removed promptly. The PermaCem 2.0 curing process can be accelerated. In order to do so, cure PermaCem 2.0 using a suitable curing light. Light-curing units should [..] ent accessibles (bordure gingivale proximale). Le durcissement de PermaCem 2.0 peut être accéléré. Pour cela, exposer PermaCem 2.0 aux rayons d’une lampe à photopolymériser adaptée. Les lampes à

    File type: pdf
    Referenced at: PermaCem 2.0

  • Type
    • File(24)
    • Products(3)
    • Pages(1)
  • Category
    • Permanent Cementation(2)
    • Bonding Agent(1)
  • Product family
    • LuxaBond(1)
    • PermaCem 2.0(1)
    • PermaCem Dual(1)
  1. DMG Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH Elbgaustrasse 248 22547 Hamburg Germany. Tel.: +49 (0) 40 840 060 Fax: +49 (0) 40 840 06222.
  2. Four new material variations for more 3D possibilities: LuxaPrint Crown, -Ortho Flex, -Gingiva and -Base.

The history of DMG America dates back to the year 1963, when Ernst Mühlbauer founded a company in Hamburg, Germany for the purpose of manufacturing professional dental materials. He named the company DMG, or Dental Material-Gesellschaft. The premium-quality products developed in the company’s laboratories were immediately successful and the company began to steadily grow.

Fast forward to the year 1982. In Englewood, New Jersey, the dental company Zenith Dental was born and soon thereafter a partnership was formed with DMG. Originally a division of Foremost Dental, Zenith Dental went on to deliver groundbreaking technologies to the North American professional dental industry, with market-leading products such as Luxatemp and LuxaCore.

Dmg Dental Material Gesellschaft Hamburg

After decades of successful cooperation, in 2008, Zenith Dental rebranded itself as DMG America.