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Dmg Strings

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The top-level dmg key contains set of options instructing electron-builder on how it should build DMG.

DMG files are native to Mac OS X and are structured according to Universal Disk Image Format (UDIF) and the New Disk Image Format (NDIF). They can be accessed through the Mac OS Finder application by either launching the DMG file or mounting it as a drive. A DMG file, like ISO, can be used to install macOS operating system or Mac apps. If the Mac computer was broken or crashed and couln't get into the system, but you only have access to a Windows PC, there's still a way to make a bootable macOS install USB on Windows. Sep 21, 2007  DMG stands for Disk Image, and is a format commonly used to distribute files and applications among Apple computers. A DMG file is like a virtual DVD or hard drive. A DMG file is like a virtual DVD or hard drive. Load more results. Apple Footer Apple Support. Apple dmg file.


Non-Macintosh systems may access DMG files and extract or convert them to ISO image files for burning. Several applications are designed to offer this solution for Windows systems. 7-Zip and DMG Extractor are the best options to open DMG file on Windows because they are compatible with the most DMG variations. Declaration of strings: Declaring a string is as simple as declaring a one dimensional array. Below is the basic syntax for declaring a string. Char strnamesize; In the above syntax strname is any name given to the string variable and size is used define the length of the string, i.e the number of characters strings will store.

  • background String - The path to background image (default: build/background.tiff or build/background.png if exists). The resolution of this file determines the resolution of the installer window. If background is not specified, use window.size. Default locations expected background size to be 540x380. See: DMG with Retina background support.
  • backgroundColor String - The background color (accepts css colors). Defaults to #ffffff (white) if no background image.
  • icon String - The path to DMG icon (volume icon), which will be shown when mounted, relative to the build resources or to the project directory. Defaults to the application icon (build/icon.icns).
  • iconSize = 80 Number - The size of all the icons inside the DMG.
  • iconTextSize = 12 Number - The size of all the icon texts inside the DMG.
  • title = ${productName} ${version} String - The title of the produced DMG, which will be shown when mounted (volume name).

    Macro ${productName}, ${version} and ${name} are supported.

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  • contents Array<DmgContent> - The content — to customize icon locations. The x and y coordinates refer to the position of the center of the icon (at 1x scale), and do not take the label into account.

    • x Number - The device-independent pixel offset from the left of the window to the center of the icon.
    • y Number - The device-independent pixel offset from the top of the window to the center of the icon.
    • type “link” “file” “dir”
    • name String - The name of the file within the DMG. Defaults to basename of path.
    • path String - The path of the file within the DMG.
  • format = UDZO “UDRW” “UDRO” “UDCO” “UDZO” “UDBZ” “ULFO” - The disk image format. ULFO (lzfse-compressed image (OS X 10.11+ only)).
  • window - The DMG windows position and size.
    • x = 400 Number - The X position relative to left of the screen.
    • y = 100 Number - The Y position relative to top of the screen.
    • width Number - The width. Defaults to background image width or 540.
    • height Number - The height. Defaults to background image height or 380.
  • internetEnabled = false Boolean - Whether to create internet-enabled disk image (when it is downloaded using a browser it will automatically decompress the image, put the application on the desktop, unmount and remove the disk image file).
  • sign = false Boolean - Whether to sign the DMG or not. Signing is not required and will lead to unwanted errors in combination with notarization requirements.

Inherited from TargetSpecificOptions:

  • artifactName String - The artifact file name template.
  • publish The publish options.

DMG License¶

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To add license to DMG, create file license_LANG_CODE.txt in the build resources. Multiple license files in different languages are supported — use lang postfix (e.g. _de, _ru)). For example, create files license_de.txt and license_en.txt in the build resources.If OS language is german, license_de.txt will be displayed. See map of language code to name.

Dmg Strongholds Noble House

You can also change the default button labels of the DMG by passing a json file named licenseButtons_LANG_CODE.json. The german file would be named: licenseButtons_de.json.The contain file should have the following format: