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Download Sql For Mac

  1. Download Sql Server For Mac
  2. Download Mysql For Mac

Mac OS packages. PostgreSQL is the default database on macOS Server as of OS X Server version 10.7. MacOS without the macOS Server add-on installed includes only the PostgreSQL libpq shared library. MacOS Server 10.12 ships with PostgreSQL 9.4. Minor updates are provided by Apple, but not necessarily right after a new PostgreSQL minor release.

Microsoft sql server free download - Actual ODBC SQL Server driver, Navicat Essential for SQL Server, MySQL Database Server, and many more programs. MySQL Cluster CGE. MySQL Cluster is a real-time open source transactional database designed for fast, always-on access to data under high throughput conditions. Download the (free) Docker Community Edition for Mac (unless you’ve already got it installed on your system). This will enable you to run SQL Server from within a Docker container. To download, visit the Docker CE for Mac download page and click Get Docker. Stop emailing SQL queries or pasting them in chat. Simply share the URL to your query or results so your team can see your analysis. Create folders to organize your queries by project or department. Folders can be private to you, or shared with your team.

Install SQL Server directly to your Mac — no virtual machine required!

Microsoft has made SQL Server available for macOS and Linux systems. This is made possible by running SQL Server from a Docker container. Therefore, there's no need to install a virtual machine with Windows (which was the only way to run SQL Server on a Mac prior to SQL Server 2017).

Install and Configure Docker

Download Sql For Mac

This is a prerequisite for installing SQL Server on your Mac. Because the Mac runs SQL Server inside a Docker container, the first thing we need to do is download and install Docker (unless it's already installed). Once installed, we'll increase its memory allocation to a more suitable level for running SQL Server.

  1. Download Docker from the download page, extract it, and drag it into your Application folder.
  2. Launch Docker, and go to Preferences > Advanced and increase its memory allocation to 4GB

If I've confused you, don't worry. I've written a tutorial with screenshots: Install Docker on a Mac and Configure for SQL Server.


OK, we're now ready to install SQL Server on your Mac.

Download Sql Server For Mac

Now the Actual SQL Server Installation

Now that we've installed Docker and increased its memory allocation, we can go ahead and install SQL Server. The Mac uses the Linux image (the SQL Server for Linux Docker image).

  1. Pull the SQL Server Image

    Open a Terminal window and run the following command:*

    This pulls the latest SQL Server for Linux Docker image to your computer.

    * The exact command will depend on which release you download. Also, since I wrote this article, Docker has moved the repository for SQL Server. You might need to use docker pull to download SQL Server 2017.

    Also, SQL Server 2019 Preview has been available since late 2018. As of late 2019 you can download it at docker pull

    For the latest image, see the official Microsoft repository on the Docker website.

  2. Launch the SQL Server Image

    Run the following command to launch an instance of the Docker image you just downloaded:

    Replace the container name and password with your own. Dmg dental design. Also be sure to make a strong password, or you may get an error (see below).

    Also, if you downloaded a different container image, replace microsoft/mssql-server-linux with your container image.

    Here's an explanation of the above parameters:

    This is an optional parameter that launches the Docker container in daemon mode. This means that it runs in the background and doesn't need its own Terminal window open. You can omit this parameter to have the container run in its own Terminal window.
    --name Homer
    This optional parameter provides a name for the container. This can be handy when stopping and starting the container from the Terminal.
    -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y'
    The Y shows that you agree with the EULA (End User Licence Agreement). This is required in order to install SQL Server.
    -e 'SA_PASSWORD=myPassw0rd'
    Required parameter that sets the sa database password.
    -p 1433:1433
    This maps the local port 1433 to port 1433 on the container. This is the default TCP port that SQL Server uses to listen for connections.
    This tells Docker which image to use. If you downloaded a different one, use that instead.

    Password Strength

    If you get the following error at this step, try again, but with a stronger password.

  3. Check the Docker container (optional)

    Type the following command to check that the Docker container is running.

    If it's up and running, it should return something like this:

    Show All Containers

    The above command only shows those containers that are currently running. To show all containers (whether they're running or not), append the -a flag to the command (you can also use -all):

Check your Installation & Manage SQL Server

Download Mysql For Mac

Now that you've installed SQL Server on your Mac, you'll probably want to check that you can access it and query it, etc. Then you'll probably want to start creating databases and doing other DB-related tasks. You'll need some sort of management tool for this.

Here are three options:

  • sql-cli

    sql-cli is a cross platform command line tool for SQL Server. This means you can create databases and query them right from your Mac's Terminal window.

    Installation is as easy as running a single command (assuming you already have NodeJs installed).

  • Azure Data Studio

    Azure Data Studio (formerly called SQL Operations Studio) is a free GUI tool from Microsoft. It's a bit more user friendly for those who aren't comfortable with the command line interface.

    Installation is as easy as downloading it and dragging it to your Applications folder.

  • DBeaver

    Another GUI option is DBeaver. DBeaver is a free open source database tool that works with many different database management systems (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Derby, etc).

    You have a few options for installing DBeaver. The easiest way is to download the 'installer option', and then run the installation wizard.