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【FGO】 宮本武蔵 宝具 Miyamoto Musashi【Fate/Grand Order】 Noble Phantasm EX Rokudou Gourin Heru Setiawan. 1st is good combo with crit dmg CE + crit abs Mystic code. This page notes details of Blustering Winds (Spell Card/Normal): decks, tips, effect and rulings. Learn and enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! CHARACTER INFO. Height: 138cm Weight: 35kg Origin: History Region: China Alignment: Lawful Evil Gender: Female Prioritizing the ease for understanding, she goes by the name 'Wu Ze Tian'. That is based on her posthumous name 'Great Sacred Empress Ze Tian', which was given after her death. As for herself, she holds great liking to.


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Starting now (15th december) Yami Marik lvl 50 will start appearing in Duel World (DM). He will not appear at the gate, but appear in the overworld, just like Arkana, The Rare Hunter and Yami Marik did before.

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Once you beat Yami Marik lvl 50, you will receive one copy of The Winged Dragon of Ra, there will be no need to farm him and rely on luck to get your copy (The victory rewards from lvl 50 are the same as lvl 40). But if you fail to beat Yami Marik you might have to wait a few hours before getting another shot at him (assuming his spawn will work the same way Arkana and the Rare hunter did in the overworld, otherwise you might be able to speed up his spawn rate by gaining event points).

Yami Marik lvl 50 will have the skill “Incarnation of The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode”. This skill allows Yami Marik to start out with a copy of “The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere Mode” on his side of the field. What this means is that he can immediately bring out his Winged Dragon of Ra with 4000 atk and 4000 def at the start of the duel (without paying any life points), which makes it a very powerful skill. Because Yami Marik will still have all his life points when he brings out Ra, it’s very likely he’ll use Ra’s effect (by paying 1000 life points) to destroy your monsters. (Marik won’t be able to raise Ra’s attack past 4000 by paying life points because that effect can only be activated when he is normal summoned)

Although you can’t attack The Winged Dragon of Ra - Sphere mode or target it with effects, you can target The Winged Dragon of Ra with card effects. This means you’ll have to fill your deck with enough powerful cards to have a good chance that you have some way to deal with Ra in your opening hand. (note: although Ra’s effect says “When Normal Summoned, other cards and effects cannot be activated.” this effect is over as soon as Ra is summoned, AND in the case of Sphere Mode, Ra is special summoned and not normal summoned)

How is damage calculated?

, August 22nd, 2015 at 04:20 PM (229655 Views) Damage.
damage for this card = [servantAtk * npDamageMultiplier * (firstCardBonus + (cardDamageValue * (1 + cardMod))) * classAtkBonus * triangleModifier * attributeModifier * randomModifier * 0.23 * (1 + atkMod - defMod) * criticalModifier * extraCardModifier * (1 - specialDefMod) * {1 + powerMod + selfDamageMod + (critDamageMod * isCrit) + (npDamageMod * isNP)} * {1 + ((superEffectiveModifier - 1) * isSuperEffective)}] + dmgPlusAdd + selfDmgCutAdd + (servantAtk * busterChainMod)
* servantAtk = {Your servant's current Atk value}
* classAtkBonus = {class bonus}
* triangleModifier = {triangle bonus}
* attributeModifier = {attribute bonus}
* firstCardBonus = {0.5 if first card is a Buster card, 0 otherwise. No bonus to NPs}
* cardDamageValue
** cardDamageValue for Extra card is 1
** NP cards act as a First card of the appropriate type.
* busterChainMod = {0.2 if it's a Buster card in a Buster Chain, 0 otherwise}
* extraCardModifier = {2 if Extra card in a Brave Chain, 3.5 if Extra card in a Buster/Quick/Arts Brave Chain, 1 if neither}
* randomModifier = {random from 0.9 to 1.1}
* criticalModifier = {2 if crit, 1 if not}
* npDamageMultiplier = {NP's damage multiplier (or 1 if it's not an NP)}
* superEffectiveModifier = {NP super effective modifier}
* isSuperEffective = {1 if the enemy qualifies (via trait or status), 0 otherwise}
For those dumbasses that can't use basic logic, you add up all buffs of a given type before including the term. This obviously means they'll stack additively.
* cardMod = {X% [Card] Power Up/Down}
* atkMod = {X% Attack Up/Down}
* defMod = {X% Defense Up/Down), Def Up (but not Def Down) is skipped if the NP ignores defense}
* specialDefMod = Given to some enemies like Quetz's in Babylon or Gawain in Camelot. Defense Ignore NPs do not bypass this value.
* powerMod = {X% Power Up/Down}
* selfDamageMod = {No buff currently uses this. It's like Power Up but on the enemy's side.}
* isCrit = {1 if crit, 0 otherwise}
* critDamageMod = {X% Critical Damage Up/Down}
* isNP = {1 if NP attack, 0 otherwise}
* npDamageMod = {X% NP Power Up/Down}
* dmgPlusAdd = {X Damage Plus/Minus} // Note the lack of %. Divinity and Waver's 3rd skill, for example.
* selfDmgCutAdd = {X Damage Up/Cut} // Also a straight number. Waver's 2nd skill and Mashu's first, for example.
Remember, 10% = 0.1.

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* You'll note Attack and Defense buffs are direct and opposite buffs. +10% attack is straight +10% damage and +10% def is -10% damage.

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* [Anti-X] buffs will obviously only count if they match you/the enemy. So Power Up [Anti-Dragon] only works if you're hitting an enemy with the Dragon trait and so on.

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* Minimum damage is 1 lol. (But only if Atk > Def)

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