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Lol Dmg

Full AP Veigar- 3000 Damage Ultimate

  1. Lol Damage Reduction
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Lol Damage Reduction

LoL Item Optimizer, is a program that computes the best build for any champion using pure math The finely tuned variable presets guarantee that the builds will always be viable, both on paper and in actual games! Spells deal burn damage equal to 20% of the enemy's maximum health over 10s and prevent healing On crossing below 30% health, heal all nearby allies for 1200 Health Wearer regenerates 6% max Health per second. Aug 18, 2016  In this video we will be taking a look at the champions who deal the most damage on average per game. Feature Points App - Download Today and Start Earning.FREE RP!. Use Code 'RVZSTEALTH' after. 5 Reasons YOU Are HARD-STUCK: Simple tips to gain MMR EVERYONE MUST KNOW LoL Pro Guide - Duration: 13:55. GameLeap LoL Challenger Guides 53,609 views. We track the millions of LoL games played every day to gather champion stats, matchups, builds & summoner rankings, as well as champion stats, popularity, winrate, teams rankings, best items and spells.

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You max your Q first because it is a safe, somewhat accurate poke that you can use to get farm, so you can get more stacks of Phenomenal Evil, because if you do that, you will get way more AP. You max W second, because it will deal huge damage in the mid to late game. You max your E last because you don't need to constantly cast your stun cage. Remember to use your R as an execution, but late game, it will pretty much just be a one-shot.


All you really need to know about items is to buy Rod of the Ages first, so you can quickly get stacks, get your CDR boots, and then get Rabadon's to give your AP a super big boost.